CR-5400 for the Sony PSP
Exact cand credeam ca Sony PSP poate functiona doar cu carduri Memory Stick Pro DUO, soseste convertorul CR-5400, care transforma un card microSD/microSDHC intr-unul compatibil PSP.
Astfel, veti dispune de 16GB de memorie pe celebra consola Sony, sau chiar 32GB, daca folositi 4 carduri microSDHC.
La ora actuala producatorul acestui foarte util accesoriu incearca sa gaseasca o metoda pentru ca PSP-ul sa suporte destule carduri microSD/microSDHC incat sa dispuna de o memorie de 64GB, mai mult chiar decat un Asus Eee PC.
Just when you thought that the Sony PSP could function with just Memory Stick Pro DUOs, along comes the CR-5400 that converts a microSD/microSDHC memory card into a Memory Stick Pro DUO, allowing you to tote up to 16GB of data on it. For those who prefer double the amount, why not pick up the CR-3100 that is able to combine up to a quartet of such microSDHC cards, bringing the total to a whopping 32GB! Currently, the manufacturer is looking to hit a maximum storage of 64GB – guess the PSP can hold even more information than an Asus Eee PC eh!
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