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Dark-AleX lansează CFW 5.00m33-6

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Dark-AleX lansează CFM 5.00m33-6

Wed, Jan 21, 2009

Această versiune elimină problema de viteză care apăruse după 3.80.

Instrucţiuni: Copiaţi directorul UPDATE în /PSP/GAME şi rulaţi de pe PSP.

Dacă veniţi de pe o versiune care nu este 5.00M33, puneţi sony update ca 500.PBP in acelaşi director sau lasaţi programul să îl downloadeze folosind conexiunea WI-FI.

Nota: PSP-ul dvs. trebuie să fie modat. Puteţi vizualiza aici tutorialu despre modare.

Download CFM 5.00M33-6

Downloaded a total of 19 times

Changes in 5.00 M33-5:

- A setting has been added to recovery, that, when enabled it may increase memory stick reading speed. (only on the psp, not in the pc).
By default it is disabled. If you installed 3.71 fatmsmod, do not use this setting, as its perfomance with 3.71 driver has not been tested.
Instead, reinstall 5.00 m33-4 using dc8 and update to 5.00 m33-5

Changes in 5.00 M33-6:

- Fixed a bug that made unbootable psp without memory stick or with a bad one.

Cum să modezi un PSP Fat/Slim&Lite - cat mai simplu

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Cum să modezi un PSP Phat/Slim&Lite

Modarea unui PSP inseamna instalarea unui firmware (softul PSP-ului) pe PSP astfel incat sa permita rularea de jocuri si a altor aplicatii direct de pe card. Puteti moda orice PSP 1000 (modelul PHAT) si aproape orice PSP 2000 (modelul Slim&Lite). Nu se pot moda momentan PSP 3000 si PSP 2000 cu modelul de placa de baza TA-088v3.

1. Un PSP deja modat ( sau o baterie Pandora);
2. Un PSP nemodat;
3. Un card de minim 512 MB.

Recomand: Sony, SanDisk, Lexxar. Nu recomand fake-uri si no-name-uri. Desi si acestea din urma merg, pot aparea erori;

4. Un cablu miniUSB;
5. Atentie mare.

MMS = card special pregatit pentru modarea unui PSP;
Pandora battery (baterie Pandora) = baterie creata pentru a putea moda un PSP;
5.00 M33-4 = softul PSP-ului;
Modare = am explicat in prima fraza a tutorialului.

Crearea unui MMS:
1. Descarcati “Rain’s Ultra Lite MMS“, îl găsitţi în packul de mai jos
2. Descarcati firmware-ul oficial 5.00 , îl găsitţi în packul de mai jos
3. Introduceti cardul in PSP-ul modat;
4. Conectati PSP-ul modat la PC si intrati in “USB Mode“;
5. Copiati “RainsUltraLiteMMS.exe” si “500.pbp” in acelasi folder;
6. Porniti “Rain’s Ultra Lite MMS“;
7. Bifati “Format Memory Stick“;
8. Apasati pe “Make MMS“.

Crearea unei baterii pandora
1. Descarcati “Hellcat’s Pandora Installer“, îl găsitţi în packul de mai jos
2. Conectati PSP-ul modat la PC cu cardul creat mai sus in el;
3. Dezarhivati “pan3xx.rar” si copiati folderul “pan3xx” in folderul “PSP/GAME“;
4. Iesiti din “USB Mode“;
5. Va duceti la “Games“;
6. Rulati “Hellcat’s Pandora Installer“;
7. Va duceti la “Battery options…
8. Apasati pe “make battery Pandora“;
9. Va aparea un mesaj de genul “battery pandorized“;
10. Apasati pe “back to main menu“;
11. Apasati pe “Quit“.

Modarea PSP-ului
1. Scoateti bateria si cardul din PSP-ul modat;
2. Scoateti bateria si cardul din PSP-ul nemodat;
3. Introduceti cardul din PSP-ul modat in PSP-ul nemodat;
4. Tineti apasat pe butonul din stanga sus al PSP-ului nemodat si inserati bateria din PSP-ul modat;
5. PSP-ul va porni automat;
6. Apasati pe “Install 5.00 M33-4“;
7. Asteptati ca instalarea sa termine;
8. Porniti PSP-ul;
9. Va duceti la “Games“;
10. Rulati “Hellcat’s Pandora Installer“;
11. Va duceti la “Battery options…“;
12. Apasati pe “make battery normal“;
13. Va aparea un mesaj de genul “battery normalized“;
14. Apasati pe “back to main menu“;
15. Apasati pe “Quit“;
16. Va duceti la “Settings” (primul meniu din stanga);
17. Va duceti in jos la “System“;
18. Cautati si apasati pe “Format Memory Stick“.

Gata, acum aveti un PSP modat!

Multumim! PSPBlog.

Sursa: http://www.pspblog.ro/

Download Modding Pack PSP Version 1.0

Ultimate PSPTube v1.3

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Ultimate PSPTube v1.3

UPDATE: Ultimate PSPTube a ajuns la versiunea 1.3, iar schimbările sunt:

YouTube bug fixed where it comes to the end of results on the first page

Google Video script is fixed after it stopped working because they changed the way the video length was displayed on their site

Parcă nu am mai vorbit demult de homebrew-uri şi minunăţiile codate de comunitate. Aşa că, vă prezentăm un homebrew cu ajutorul căruia poţi viziona filme de pe yotube când eşti în raza unei reţele wireless.Homebrew-ul este creeat de JK108 şi de fapt este un mod pentru aplicaţia PSPTube.

PSPTube este de fapt o aplicaţie care poate randa fişerele flash din youtube, dailymotion şi alte multe site-uri asemănătoare. Instalarea se face prin simpla copiere a folderului din arhivă direct în ms0:/PSP/GAME şi nu necesită alte setări.

Download Ultimate PSPTube Version 1.3

Carduri Memory Stick Pro Duo Fake sau Genuine

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Fiţi foarte atenţi când cumpăraţi carduri Memory Stick pro duo de pe diferite site-uri cum ar fi Okazii.ro sau forumuri. Se găsesc o mulţime de persoane care vând la preţuri scăzute carduri de memorie Sony. Acelea sunt fake-uri sau altfel spus mărci OEM.

Din fericire nu seamănă exact cu modelul original şi au câteva elemente care le diferenţiază. Mai jos sunt enumerate doar cele mai importante şi decisive în acelaşi timp, elemente:


  1. Toate cardurile de generaţie nouă SONY Mark2 au următoarele coduri de culoare: MS-MT1G,MS-MT2G, MS-MT4G, MS-MT8G, MS-MT16G. Deasemenea şi cele vechi non-Mark2 au următoarele coduri: MSX-M1GST/X, MSX-M2GS/X, MSX-M4GS/X, MSX-M8GS/X.
  2. Majoritatea stick-urilor false Sony nu au codurile colorate corect: MSX-M1GST/X, MSX-M2GST/X, MSX-M4GST/X, MSX-M8GST/X şi mai mult decât atât, au un caracter “T” ataşat greşit pe pliantul din interior. ATENTIE! însă, noile modele fake au început să aibă şi ele codurile de culoare corecte. Acestea conţin şi o hologramă ce nu se găseşte pe nici un ambalaj original.
  3. Toate stick-urile Sony originale (de la 1GB la 16GB) au un sistem de capsare a blisterelor 8+6+8 sau  9+6+9. Toate acestea sunt asemănătoare unei capse presată la cald pe partea stângă, dreaptă şi în partea de sus. Vechile memory stick-uri genuine Sony au un sistem de capsare 9+6+9 in partea stângă, cea de sus şi în dreapta. Toate acestea trebuie să fie perfect aliniate, altfel aveţi parte de o variantă falsă mai nouă.
  4. Toate cardurile fake Sony au un sistem de capsare 3+0+3, dar capsele sunt rotunde şi presate fără căldură sau au toate marginile lipite la cald în linie. Cardurile originale NU vin cu prospecte “SONY IC Recording Media Memory Stick Pro Duo” în 14 limbi! Deobicei pliantele false sunt printate pe hârtie reciclată (nu că asta ar fii ceva rău, dimportivă) având un aspect oarecum îmbătrânit şi fiind printate cu vopsea de proasta calitate (slabă ca şi contrast).
  5. Pentru cei care aveţi un PSP la îndemână, înainte să cumpăraţi se poate face o verificare din meniul PSP-ului. Tot ce trebuie să faceţi este să vă duceţi către un meniu care foloseşte Memory Stick-ul (muzică, video, jocuri) să apăsaţi triunghi, să selectaţi mai departe “Information şi să vedeţi dacă este MagicGate. Dacă apar mesaje de genul “Unknown” sau “Unsupported” aveţi de-a face cu un card fake.

Mai jos aveţi două imagini a doua pachete. Cel din stanga este Fake, iar cel din dreapta este original, dar modelul mai vechi de MS.

1189_2 11b3_2

Cum se instaleaza CXMB pentru PSP

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Cum se instaleaza CXMB pentru PSP

UPDATE | Ca să fie clar pentru toata lumea: acest tutorial, momentan se aplică atât la CXMB pentru3.713.90 şi 4.01 cât şi pentru variantele 5.0 şi 5.01. Diferenţa este că pentru 5.01 trebuie să luaţi varianta de CXMB de aici.
Dacă printr-o anumită eroare, voluntară sau involuntară, PSP-ul nu mai afişează corect nici o temă din cele selctate, atunci intraţi în Recovery Mode, dezactivaţi pluginul şi restartaţi.
Poate multi dintre voi v-aţi săturat de XMB-ul clasic al PSP-ului si de aceleşi teme cu design schimbat al icoanelor. Tocmai de aceea va voi explica cum se instaleză un utilitar simplu ce vă v-a permite sa instalaţi teme precum Andromeda. Următorul tutorial este o adaptare după Acerthief.
CXMB este un plugin pentru PSP ce te ajută să instalezi teme în format CTF în cazul în care nu vrei să rescrii flash0.
Pentru a putea instala vă trebuie un PSP cu unul din următoarele custom firmware-uri instalate: 3.90M33, 3.71M33 sau 4.01M33.
Instalarea propriu-zisă în trei paşi simpli.
1. Descărcaţi următoarele fişiere în funcţie de firmware-ul vostru:
2. Extrageţi arhiva CXMB , localizaţi şi intraţi în folderul “CXMB_FULL”, copiaţi folderul “cxmb” în rădăcina memory stick-ului (“ms0:/”). Deasemenea copiati şi folderul “seplugins” în rădăcină. (Pentru cei care aveţi deja fişierul “vsh.txt” în “seplugins”, deschideţi fişierul şi adăugaţi linia“ms0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx”, salvaţi şi închideţi.)
3. [Cei care aveţi firmware 4.01 M33 puteţi sări acest pas] Extrageţi arhiva ce corespunde firmware-ului vostru şi mutaţi cele trei fişiere în “ms0:/cxmb/support”.
Cam asta este tot în ceea ce priveşte instalarea.
Tot ce trebuie să mai faceţi este să adăugaţi temele voastre în: “ms0:/PSP/THEME”. Apoi intraţi în Recovery Menu (pentru a intra în Recovery Menu opriţi de tot PSP-ul apoi reporniţi-l ţinând în acelaşi timp apăsat triggerul R) acesaţi meniul Plugins şi daţi enable plugin-ului cxmb.prx.
Aplicarea temei se face la fel de simplu ca şi înainte. După aplicarea temei PSP-ul vostru se va restarta automat, aşa că nu speriaţi.

Limited Edition - PSP® Entertainment Pack

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Limited Edition God of War®: Chains of Olympus
 PSP® Entertainment Pack

Limited Edition God of War®: Chains of Olympus PSP® Entertainment Pack

Kratos silk screened right on the back of your Deep Red PSP® system, people will definitely notice. Unleash him in God of War®: Chains of Olympus. Or you can download and play Syphon Filter®: Combat Ops, a PlayStation®Network exclusive. You also get the hit comedy UMD™ movie, Superbad. If that's not enough, you'll also have the whole spectrum of games, video, music, Internet access, Skype™ and more to keep you busy when you're not exploring the depths of your humanity with God of War®.

The Limited Edition God of War® PSP® Entertainment Pack includes:

  • PSP®-2000 system (Technical Specifications)
    • Deep Red with Kratos silk screened on the back (limited edition color & design)
    • Light, slim and portable
    • Dazzling widescreen LCD screen
    • Play on any TV using video out (cables sold separately)
    • Play games, movies, music and more
  • God of War®: Chains of Olympus game
  • Superbad movie on UMD™ (Unrated - this movie has not been rated by the MPAA)
  • PlayStation®Network voucher for Syphon Filter®: Combat Ops game (Rated T)
  • AC adaptor
  • AC power cord
  • Battery pack

©2007 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. God of War is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.

Developed by Ready At Dawn Studios, LLC. Voucher expires 12/31/2008. Requires PSN Registration. PlayStation®Network ("PSN") registration is free, but user is responsible for Internet fees. Some services or features may require additional fees.

Some features require a Wireless Internet connection (Wi-Fi). "PlayStation", "PS" Family logo, and "PSP" are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Limited Edition Madden NFL 09 PSP® Entertainment

Limited Edition Madden NFL 09 PSP® Entertainment Pack

NFL fans unite. Madden-the most popular sports-game franchise in history. And with this limited-edition pack you get a Metallic Blue PSP® (PSP-2000) and Madden NFL 09. You can also download and play Beats™ from the PlayStation®Network. Or watch the NFL: In Just One Play UMD™ video. Take it all in on the widescreen LCD screen or use the video-out feature to go bigger. And with the 1GB Memory Stick Duo™, you'll have extra storage capacity too. Music, video, the Internet, Skype™ calling and more. And of course Madden NFL 09.

The Limited Edition Madden NFL 09 PSP® Entertainment Pack includes:

  • PSP®-2000 system (Technical Specifications)
    • Metallic Blue (limited edition color)
    • Light, slim and portable
    • Dazzling widescreen LCD screen
    • Play on any TV using video out (cables sold separately)
    • Play games, movies, music and more
  • Madden NFL 09 game
  • NFL: In Just One Play UMD™ video (Unrated - this movie has not been rated by the MPAA)
  • PlayStation®Network voucher for Beats™ (Rated E)
  • 1GB Memory Stick Duo™
  • AC adaptor
  • AC power cord
  • Battery pack

© 2008 Electronic Arts Inc. Electronic Arts, EA, EA SPORTS and the EA SPORTS logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved. The mark "John Madden" and the name, likeness and other attributes of John Madden reproduced on this product are trademarks or other intellectual property of Red Bear, Inc. or John Madden, are subject to license to Electronic Arts Inc., and may not be otherwise used in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Red Bear or John Madden. © 2008 NFL properties LLC. Team names/logos are trademarks of the teams indicated. All other NFL-related trademarks are trademarks of the National Football League. Officially Licensed Product of PLAYERS INC. Visit WWW.NFLPLAYERS.COM. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The names and logos of Reebok are the trademarks of Reebok International Ltd. and are used by permission. Riddell is a registered trademark of Ridmark Corporation. In Just One Play: The Big-Play Men of the NFL © 2008 NFL Productions LLC. The marks NFL and the NFL shield design are registered trademarks of the National Football League. The team names, logos and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated. All other NFL-related trademarks, including the mark SUPER BOWL and the Super Bowl design marks are trademarks of the National Football League. NFL footage © NFL Productions LLC. Distributed by Warner Home Video, 4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank, CA 91522. All rights reserved. Beats is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. © 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Voucher code good through (02/28/09) for download of Beats™ for the PSP® system via PlayStation®Network ("PSN") Account Management. PC or PLAYSTATION®3 system, Memory Stick PRO Duo, commercially available USB cable (all sold separately) and PSN account required. Registration is free, but user is responsible for Internet fees.

Some features require a Wireless Internet connection (Wi-Fi).

"PlayStation", "PS" Family logo, and "PSP" are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Limited Edition Ratchet & Clank® PSP® Entertainment
 Pack(Piano Black)

Limited Edition Ratchet & Clank® PSP® Entertainment Pack (Piano Black)

Size takes many forms. The PSP® system itself is still sleek and portable. This limited-edition pack includes the all-new PSP®-3000 system in Piano Black. The system features an advanced LCD screen with the widest color gamut, highest contrast ratio, and response time available in a portable LCD. It also has anti-reflection technology too. Additionally, it has a built-in microphone to enhance both multi-player gaming and enable Skype™ calling. With all of this capacity you can play Ratchet & Clank®: Size Matters, watch Disney's National Treasure 2, or download and play Everyday Shooter from the PlayStation®Network on the included 1GB Memory Stick Duo™. Games, movies, music, Internet and Skype. It's all here. Watch it all on the dazzling widescreen LCD screen or use the video-out feature to connect to a TV. And place your personal music and movie collection on the 1GB Memory Stick Duo™. Size matters indeed.

The Limited Edition Ratchet & Clank® PSP® Entertainment Pack (Piano Black) includes:

  • PSP®-3000 system (Technical Specifications)
    • Piano Black
    • Light, slim and portable
    • Dazzling, all-new, vibrant LCD screen
    • Built-in microphone
    • Play on any TV using video out (cables sold separately)
    • Play games, movies, music and more
  • Ratchet & Clank®: Size Matters UMD™ game
  • National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets UMD™ movie (Rated PG)
  • PlayStation®Network voucher for Everyday Shooter game (Rated E)
  • 1GB Memory Stick Duo™
  • AC adaptor
  • AC power cord
  • Battery pack

National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets - This product is authorized for private use only. All other rights reserved. Unless expressly authorized in writing by the copyright owner, any copying, exhibition, export, distribution or other use of this product or any part of it is strictly prohibited. Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. © Disney. Ratchet and Clank is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Developed by High Impact Games. © 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Everyday Shooter is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. © 2008 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Voucher code good through (03/15/09) for download of Everyday Shooter for the PSP system via PlayStation®Network ("PSN") Account Management. PC or PLAYSTATION®3 system, Memory Stick PRO Duo, commercially available USB cable (all sold separately) and PSN account required. Registration is free, but user is responsible for internet fees. Some features require a Wireless Internet connection (Wi-Fi).

"PlayStation", "PS" Family logo, and "PSP" are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Limited Edition Ratchet & Clank® PSP® Entertainment
 Pack (Mystic Silver)

Limited Edition Ratchet & Clank® PSP® Entertainment Pack (Mystic Silver)

Size takes many forms. The PSP® system itself is still sleek and portable. This limited-edition pack includes the all-new PSP®-3000 system in Mystic Silver. The system features an advanced LCD screen with the widest color gamut, highest contrast ratio, and response time available in a portable LCD. It also has anti-reflection technology too. Additionally, it has a built-in microphone to enhance both multi-player gaming and enable Skype™ calling. With all of this capacity you can play Ratchet & Clank®: Size Matters, watch Disney's National Treasure 2, or download and play echochrome™ from the PlayStation®Network on the included 1GB Memory Stick Duo™. Games, movies, music, Internet and Skype. It's all here. Watch it all on the dazzling widescreen LCD screen or use the video-out feature to connect to a TV. And place your personal music and movie collection on the 1GB Memory Stick Duo™. Size matters indeed.

The Limited Edition Ratchet & Clank® PSP® Entertainment Pack (Mystic Silver) includes:

  • PSP®-3000 system (Technical Specifications)
    • Mystic Silver (limited edition color)
    • Light, slim and portable
    • Dazzling, all-new, vibrant LCD screen
    • Built-in microphone
    • Play on any TV using video out (cables sold separately)
    • Play games, movies, music and more
  • Ratchet & Clank®: Size Matters UMD™ game
  • National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets UMD™ movie (Rated PG)
  • PlayStation®Network voucher for echochrome™ game (Rated E)
  • 1GB Memory Stick Duo™
  • AC adaptor
  • AC power cord
  • Battery pack

National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets - This product is authorized for private use only. All other rights reserved. Unless expressly authorized in writing by the copyright owner, any copying, exhibition, export, distribution or other use of this product or any part of it is strictly prohibited. Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. © Disney. Ratchet and Clank is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Developed by High Impact Games. © 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. echochrome is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. © 2008 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Voucher code good through (02/28/09) for download of echochrome™ for the PSP system via PlayStation®Network ("PSN") Account Management. PC or PLAYSTATION®3 system, Memory Stick PRO Duo, commercially available USB cable (all sold separately) and PSN account required. Registration is free, but user is responsible for internet fees. Some features require a Wireless Internet connection (Wi-Fi).

"PlayStation", "PS" Family logo, and "PSP" are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.