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5.03 GEN-A Custom Firmware released! CFW on PSP-3000’s

5.03 GEN-A Custom Firmware released! CFW on PSP-3000’s

PSPGEN have released Custom Firmware 5.03GEN-A for HEN!! What does this mean? Well its something many of us have been waiting for since the PSP-3000 was released. Full blown Custom Firmware is now possible on your PSP-3000 / PSP-2000 TA088v3. Thanks to and PSPGen.com. Just watch the video above as proof this works.

How to Install,

Pre installation: Make sure you have a PSP-3000 or PSP-2000 with Firmware 5.03 – You need this for ChickHEN R2 to work.

  1. Download ChickHEN R2 by Davee & Team Typhoon
  2. Download 5.03 GEN-A Custom Firmware.
  3. Install ChickHEN and run/load ChickHEN R2
  4. Follow these steps below

01. Connect your PSP to the computer in USB Mode when you have loaded ChickHEN R2.
02. Unzip 5.03GEN-A_for_HEN.zip on your desktop by example
03. double-click on LAUNCH-ME.exe (GUI)
04.PSP Model : choose options PSP-2000 or PSP-3000 (depends of your PSP)
05.Mode : Choose option FULL
06. PSP Install : Choose option YES
07. Push START.
08.the files are copied on your PSP.
09. Disconnect the PSP from USB.
10. Launch the main EBOOT.PBP / Loader using ChickHEN R2 (only R2! NOT R1!).
11. When the app load, press L or R to flash the firmware in your flash. YOU ONLY NEED MAKE IT ONE TIME!
12. Press () to reboot in the custom firmware.

Having trouble running ChickHEN R2? Please see this guide.


# COMPATIBILITY PSP-3000 and PSP-2000 v3
o Reading of plays PS1
o Reading of the backups of plays PSP
o GEN VSH FINELY available
o Recovery in VSH available (some bugs remains to be regulated – to see further)
o Access to the PSN

Known Bugs:

The RECOVERY MODE of the 5.02GEN-A was patché to turn on the PSP-3000. It makes it possible to modify the majority of the usual options. Note that we some problems with this recovery in VSH and will undoubtedly have to be awaited a patch encounters correction so that it is functional at 100%. Note that SMALL GEN VSH functions, him, very well.

Here menus and their equivalents:

* Togle USB = OK
* configuration ok
o Sony skip: do not go (useless thus not engraves)
o Hide corrupt let us icons = walk not and activeSkip Sony logo
o range folder HB ok
o autorun EBOOT ok
o fake area ok
o use vsh finely ok
o XMB USB Device ok
o Charge device with usb ok
o Use M33 network update ok
o use version TXT ok
o hide MAC ok

* use range ok categories
* Reboot in official firmware > nonfunctional
* Run program At = Finely advanced
* advanced = CPU SPEED
* CPU SPEED = Plugins
* plugins = registry hack
* registry hack = suspends device
* device = reboot in official firmware suspends
* Reset system = quit

Put besides that all functions and we will try to correct this as fast as possible.

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